She was relishing the joy of looking at her little boy play with the waters and the sand. Suddenly she had discovered the purpose of her life.She felt a great pleasure and a great sense of responsibility racing through her veins at the same time. She was again lost in her own thoughts when her reverie was broken by something that her son asked, "Maa, what is happiness?" Firstly she was amazed by her son's incredibility and then was shocked that she had never given it a thought. She emphasized her gray cells to get an apt reply of her son's question. She said, "That is what you feel when you get a chocolate."
The boy said," Maa, i feel like having one more." She smiled at her blatant defeat. She said,"It is what makes you smile."
The boy asked,"Is it a cartoon?"

It was getting tougher. Then she said,"It is what you feel when you hug me tightly."
The boy smiled and came running into his mother's arms and then he said, "Maa I feel very happy."
She could instantaneously feel his happiness and could not distinguish it from hers.
And now there was an eternal smile on her face that shone and sparkled in the dusk.She was the most beutiful woman on the earth with that priceless beauty.
She felt something pulsing through her body and rejuvenating her soul and she softly echoed," This is what is happiness."